ALL BOYS AREN'T BLUE by George M. Johnson
** Order ships mid-July **
Hardcover, Farrar Straus Giroux Books for Young Readers
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Ships USPS to the continental United States only
** Order ships mid-July **
Hardcover, Farrar Straus Giroux Books for Young Readers
Limit One Order Per Person
Ships USPS to the continental United States only
** Order ships mid-July **
Hardcover, Farrar Straus Giroux Books for Young Readers
Limit One Order Per Person
Ships USPS to the continental United States only
ALL BOYS AREN’T BLUE is a Young Adult Memoir by prominent journalist and LGBTQIA+ activist George M. Johnson. According to PEN America, 41% of titles challenged or banned have content relating to LGBTQIA+ identity and themes, and ALL BOYS AREN’T BLUE is currently the second-most banned book in the US.
Within its pages, Johnson explores their childhood, adolescence, and college years in New Jersey and Virginia via a series of heartfelt personal essays. Written directly to a teen audience, Johnson demonstrates extreme care, often preparing the reader for and contextualizing particularly difficult passages. Reading makes one question what it means to ban anyone’s real, lived experience, especially when handled with such awareness.
But don’t take our word; grab a copy and make up your own mind. That’s what this country is supposed to be all about.
– Recommended by Tess